Advanced Facial Services

$25 | Custom Chemical Peel

Procell Microchanneling

  • - Consult Required for first time clients-
  • - pregnancy, nursing and Keloid safe-
  • Face $300 | 45 mins
  • Body $350+ | 60+ mins (consult required for accurate pricing)
  • Time between treatments: minimum 15 days - 1 month
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how does it work

Sponge Spicule Bio-microneedling is a treatment that harnesses controllable and physical micro damage on the skin's epidermis to activate the body's self healing ability. This process leads to the production of collagen and the renewal of the horny layer, resulting in improved skin appearance and health. The ordinary skin generation cycle typically lasts about 28 days. During this time, it takes approximately 14 days for a skin cell to move from the basal layer to the horny layer, where it remains for another 14 days. This process is known as the keratinization of skin cells. However, spicules therapy has the ability to significantly shorten this cycle to just 7 days!

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